Memory Makes The Music
I often draw from past memories when writing or making music. I’m also aware of how unreliable memories can be, and how easily they can be altered, deformed, or replaced, depending on the person recalling the memory, their perspective, and the amount of time passed since the creation of the memory. I like the idea of drawing on all those aspects of memory, reliable or not, to create music that reflects the ways in which the world we recall is nothing but a collage of moments assembled mostly out of order. The funny thing is, we tend to trust and believe our memories to be an accurate portrayal of events as they happened, until we ask someone who was there at the same time to recount their memories of the same event. My art practice is all about recontextualizing pieces of printed or recorded media to make sense of my existence, so every time I make music, I think to myself… “Memory Makes The Music. Make the music from memories as you remember them, and use the rest of the world to fill in the blanks. No one will know the difference anyways, we can’t remember shit”. This way of thinking about music also encourages me in my every day life because it reminds me that I have to live in order to make art and that it is impossible to create in a vacuum.